Friday, September 11, 2009


Thursday September 10, 2009
Poo Rainbow Maker Hack by Patiniox
Well, sorry that today there is no post to all corresponding explanation but the truth hurts me a headache, it's just finished publishing the video and if I do not really quite right with my video so go with another video made by Click with the corresponding explanation in Spanish.
I leave the generator to the right side of the blog as always and if you look carefully will notice that the way to inject the code is somewhat different than in previous methods, we first injected the code generated by the first HEX and once the Pet Poo we have done some second HEX and inject the code again in this case choosing the type of Poo want it to do (or Golden Rainbow)
Tomorrow more time and with a clear head posteo explanation as this hack deserves it.

Requirements: same as always

PS: remember that for the Pet Poo do have to have the energy bar (the red bar) and happiness (green) as possible above 60% while that of hygiene should be at 0%

Sorry for my carelessness but good head sometimes calls me a break ...

Thanks for understanding